official HOMEPAGE

engineering Beverage And Party Society was founded by the current chairman of the board more than a decade ago, and has grown ever since!

We decline any resemblance to APB's logotype on our home page! If, in the viewers eye, any resemblance is found, we prohibit comparison with any company's logotype.

e.b.a.p.s. is an international society, with strict rules for membership and participation to arranged party's!

The board of directors of the society, have full authorisation to refuse or approve membership in

e.b.a.p.s. is the ultimate party society offering both arranged party's and consultant services for external party's.

The society is partly sponsored by companies that share the same ideas about life.

The "member info", "party zone" and "previous party" pages are only accessible for members.

On these pages you will find all essential information for the next
e.b.a.p.s. party, pictures from the previous party and confidential member information.

The society for party people

Contact information

[email protected]

Regular mail:
Bjorkgatan 30
751 84 Uppsala
Sweden (and the rest of the world)